Celebrating International Pronouns Day

This year, Wednesday, Oct. 20 is International Pronouns Day. It seeks to make respecting, sharing, and educating about personal pronouns commonplace.

Blair Imani. Smarter in Seconds: Pronouns, What are pronouns? (30 sec.) 

The language we use to speak to and about others matters. Using gender-inclusive language and a person’s correct name and pronouns demonstrates kindness, respect, and inclusivity.  

People can make assumptions based on a person’s name or appearance. Relying on assumptions, using someone’s name and pronouns incorrectly, or ignoring someone’s identity can hurt others, particularly transgender and gender nonconforming people.  

MyPronouns.org includes great resources about using and sharing personal pronouns (including tips on what to do when you make a mistake).   

Click through to learn more about personal pronouns, why they matter, where you can get a pronoun button (spoiler: the Library!), how to add your pronouns to your Durham Tech account through Self-Service, and additional resources.  

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Centering Mental Health for World Mental Health Day

The World Federation for Mental Health established October 10 as World Mental Health Day to raise awareness and support of mental health and reduce stigma. 

This year’s theme is “Mental Health in an Unequal World.”  

Mental health and well-being are central to the way we live, work, study, connect with others, and contribute to our communities. It’s especially important to address and uplift mental health during these unpredictable and overwhelming times that continually expose and enact the inequities in our society.  

Keep reading for information about Durham Tech resources, community resources, and Library resources addressing crisis assistance, self-care, and mental well-being. 

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