You say–
The price of a ticket to NYC is not a price that you’re willing to pay.
Good news!
The Library’s here to cure your post-Hamilton blues.
Don’t be sad;
Remember that books and streaming theater can be digitally had!
Now you’re glad!
Remember that even though it’s summer, we’re here for you.

Da-da-da, dat-da, dat, da-da-da, da-ya-da
Da-da, dat, dat, da-ya-da
Da-da-da, dat-da, dat, da-da-da, da-ya-da
Da-da, dat, dat, da-ya*
With Hamilton‘s recent run at DPAC, if you scored tickets, you may be left wanting more.
While we don’t have access to the streaming musical itself (Disney+ has a monopoly on that), we do have some books and movies that you can immerse yourself in to keep the historical magic alive.
Keep reading!
Available at the Main and Orange County Campus (E 208 .M396) Available at Main Campus (E 332.74 .G67 2008) Available at the Main Campus (E 207 .L2 V69 2016) Available at the Main Campus (E 312 .C495 2010) Available at the Main Campus Graphic Novel Collection (E 302.6 .H2 H456 2017) Available at the Main Campus (E 302.5 .E45 2000

Want to see the original Revolutionary musical?
Check out 1776 (available at the Orange County Campus, but feel free to request to pick it up at the Main Campus).
If you’re looking to go right to the source, the Library of Congress has many of Hamilton’s papers digitized and online.

Want to watch theatrical performances in your own home (or on your own screen not necessarily at a particular location)? Check out the library’s streaming titles available through out Digital Theater+ database.
*For the good version of this very bad parody, check out “You’ll Be Back”