Did you know that the Durham Tech Librarians can help you find a read or watch-alike for something you’ve already enjoyed?
The Orange County Campus Library has a read- or watch-alike display up right now. As with all our displays, all items are available for checkout.

Remember that all books on display are available for checkout; in fact, we encourage it!
Available at the Orange County Campus (PS 3608 .A71483 S68 2021) Available at the Main and Orange County Campus (PN 1997.2 .B754 2011)
Available at the Orange County Campus (PN 1997 .A18 2002) Available at the Main and Orange County Campus (E 208 .M396)
Available at the Orange County Campus (PS 3622 .O23 C48 2021) and through Dogwood Digital Library as an audibook Available at the Main Campus, Northern Durham Center, and Orange County Campus (PS 3511 .I9 G7)
Available at the Orange County Campus (PR 6102 .O96 H43 2017) Available at the Main and Orange County Campus (PN 1995.9 .L6 B7654 2006)
Available at the Orange County Campus (PS 3558 .A6427 M53 2015) Available at the Orange County Campus (PN 1992.77 .T78 2009)
Available at the Orange County Campus (PN 1997 .B38 2005) Available at the Orange County Campus (PN 6728 .B36 L36 2012)
You can request a book from any of the Durham Tech Library locations to pick up at your preferred campus.
Mostly at Main but have a hankering for the latest Laura Hankin from OCC (see above, very pink book)? Mostly at Orange County but need to read Murderbot from Main? You can either request the book by putting a hold on it through our catalog or through email (library email is best: library @ durhamtech . edu, but you can also email your branch campus librarian). Oh, you’re also welcome to come and just ask in person. We’re here to help.
Mostly at Northern Durham Center? Either put a hold on a book through our catalog or email to arrange a time for pick-up when our librarians are available on Monday or Tuesday.