Celebrate LGBTQ Pride Month

Pride month image of rainbow

Each June, the library celebrates the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities by highlighting resources in our collection.  We have recently added several new DVDs and books at Main Campus Library! 

Explore the library’s guide to LGBTQ resources for fiction, graphic novels, nonfiction, ebooks, DVDs, streaming video, and recommended websites. 

Last week Governor Roy Cooper proclaimed June as LGBTQ Pride Month in North Carolina. The month of June was chosen to commemorate the riots that took place at the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan, New York, June 28, 1969, which is viewed as the beginning of the modern LGBTQ rights movement. The proclamation says “the state of North Carolina will continue to advocate for statewide protections for all LGBTQ individuals to make our state a place where all people – regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression – are treated with dignity and respect.”

New Books for Summer

We have so many amazing new books (and beautiful covers) this month! I’m including more than usual and I STILL couldn’t include them all. You’re going to have to stop by and check them out yourself. (See what I did there 🙂 )

Fresh Finds at the OCC

Pollen dust cloud got you down? Try these pollen-free* new reads in their freshly wrapped dust jackets. 

*No guarantees once they leave the library. It’s brutal out there, y’all. 

Carolina Asia Center Funds New Library Material

We have a bunch of awesome new materials for check out thanks to the Carolina Asia Center at UNC. Funded by their Title VI grant from the Department of Education, the Carolina Asian Center fosters Asian studies on campus by supporting instruction, collaborating on cultural events, and working with faculty interested in adding Asian content to their courses.

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North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Endows Dr. Phail Wynn Jr. Library Collection

The North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation has awarded $50,000 to the Durham Technical Community College Foundation to create the Dr. Phail Wynn, Jr. Library Endowment. 

Dr. Phail Wynn, Jr. served as president of Durham Tech for 27 years. Upon his retirement in 2007, he established The Dr. Phail Wynn, Jr. Collection at the Durham Tech Library. Dr. Wynn generously supported the collection through personal philanthropy until his passing in July 2018. The library is very proud of Dr. Wynn’s collection and we are thrilled that that we can sustain and grow it in the years to come to honor his memory and legacy.  When students ask about the special collection it is a wonderful opportunity to tell them about our inspirational former president and his commitment to education, passion for service, dedication to the community, and his vision for the future.

photo of Dr. Wynn
Dr. Phail Wynn Jr., President,
Durham Technical Community College

Dr. Wynn’s collection promotes cultural awareness, tolerance, diversity, environmental conservation, sustainability, and peace. The collection is located on the upper level of the library.  Here are some new titles recently added to the collection.  Visit our display window at the entrance to the library and ask a staff member if you would like to borrow any of the materials on display.