So far we’ve highlighted Black History Month on the blog with Black Visual Artists, Black History, and Black Musicians and Poets. We’ve got one left in queue for next week–Activists and Advocates–, but we’d like to finish the month by sharing a list of your favorite books by Black authors.
Share your favorite 1-2 books by Black American authors. They can be fiction or nonfiction, classic or contemporary, any reading level (kids, middle grades, YA, or adult), any topic or genre, and they do not have to be from/currently in the Durham Tech Library collections.
We’ve got a form to keep it all organized and orderly: Durham Tech’s Favorite Authors & Books for Black History Month [form]
Participants will be entered to win either a Durham Tech Library water bottle or fanny pack if they so desire!
Respond to Meredith Lewis (lewisma @ with any specific questions.
Now onto the main event!
This book, more self-help than memoir, draws on Michelle Obama’s personal struggles and shares her strategies for staying optimistic. Yes, despite fame, financial success, and inestimable clout, Michelle has relatable doubts and fears (is the pandemic ever going to end?, will my family be okay?, how can I keep my balance in an uncertain world?). Creating connection and “going high” are tools we can all use.
Title: The Light We Carry
Author: Michelle Obama
Genre: Self-Help with a memoir twist
Read Great Things 2023 Categories: A book to improve your mental or physical health; A book about an experience different than your own; A book recommended by a Durham Tech Library staff member or on the blog
This book was read by Susan Baker, Main Campus Reference Librarian.
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